Caleb J., Philadelphia – Miracles in Progress Participant

Meet Caleb Jackson, a Behavioral Specialist AT the Miracles in Progress Residential Program at The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard. Caleb has been involved with The Behavioral Wellness Center at Girard for more than 10 years, and his story is quite a unique one. Caleb’s journey began at the center in 2008 as a person in recovery seeking long-term treatment for trauma, substance use and mental illness.
When Caleb initially arrived at the center on a Friday evening, he immediately faced the challenge of having to wait through the weekend for treatment, as the process for enrollment was not immediate. However, Caleb knew going home was not an option.
“If I have to return to my neighborhood now, you probably will not see me for a while,” he cautioned the staff. Recognizing the severity of his situation, the Clinical Supervisor contacted the local shelter where Jackson stayed until he was admitted the following Monday.
After a short stay in the BAC, Caleb was taken to 4 Tower, and greeted by the staff of the The John Street Blueprint Program, a program for chronically homeless men that was later renamed Miracles in Progress by the participants. “During my stay, the staff did not seem offended by my presentation. I was very angry, resistant, oppositional, and untrusting. I was always ready to challenge the staff. The staff continued to encourage me and showed me that they really cared and insisted that there was no need for me to be angry.”
Experiencing the staff’s compassion, patience and dedication is truly what helped Caleb turn his life around. “My treatment process included many ‘learning opportunities’ such as behavior contracts, teaming and safety plans. The staff assisted me in changing my perspective of myself and others, while helping me heal from my defeatist self- destructive behavior.”
Upon completing his treatment, Caleb was so inspired by what the Behavioral Wellness Center did for him that he decided to pay it forward and help others through the treatment process. “I wanted to join the winning team,” he expressed.
Initially hired as a Case Manager, Caleb later completed his Master of Social Work degree from the University of Pennsylvania, and became a Behavioral Specialist; however, he’s not done yet. “My goal is to continue my education by obtaining the Doctoral Degree in Social Welfare, wherein I will advocate for and promote policies to enhance the treatment of our participants and assist with the development and implementation of therapeutic models and interventions.” We’re proud to have Caleb as one of our knowledgeable and caring team members.